Child Sponsorships

How sponsorships work

      Select a child and click on the “Sponsors Me” button. Select an amount and the system will lead you to a payment system through credit card or PayPal.

Sponsorships cover:

Cottage style living accommodations

Clean water

Nutritious food

Medical care

Hearing screenings and hearing aids as needed

School fees

School transportation

Books and Uniforms

Social worker oversight to keep families connected

Campus security

Christian role models as house parents

We would be blessed to have you as a sponsor and will never take for granted the commitment you are making to your Haiti child. Your support will assist your sponsored child as well as those without individual sponsors.

At the end of each year, you will receive a tax receipt for the year’s contribution and our sponsorship coordinator, Darwin Covington, will keep you abreast of your child’s progress.

Thank you for helping change the lives of these precious little ones who have the opportunity to transform from isolated, insecure, unreached children without language to happy, secure, chatty, smart students who can finally connect to their families and communities and understand God’s love for them. They no longer exist in a silent world.


Belineda 2007

Belineda lives with her parents and siblings. She is bright and friendly. She is kind to her brother Fritznelson who is also deaf and attends HDA. Her parents are loving and visit the children when possible.


Abimael 2007

Abimael is one of 10 children. His family lives in Port Au Prince. Abimael has some physical challenges and learning challenges. He is many times very hungry and poorly cared for at home as there is little money and his family can not communicate with him. He is always kind and friendly

Bendjy lives with his family in Leveque. He has two older deaf brothers. He is beginning to lose his peripheral vision due to Usher Syndrome. His other family members also suffer from vision narrowing. Bendjy is kind and smart. He gets along well with the other children.

Bendjy 2010

Bendjy lives with his family in Leveque. He has two older deaf brothers. He is beginning to lose his peripheral vision due to Usher Syndrome. His other family members also suffer from vision narrowing. Bendjy is kind and smart. He gets along well with the other children.



Christelle lives with her mother and father. She started at HDA just this past year and is very intelligent. Her parents are overjoyed to see her excelling. She loves to jump rope and adores all of her new friends. She is competitive and likes to play games with her friends.

Kenelson lives with his mother and two brothers in Titanyen. Another ministry realized that Kenelson was deaf and contacted Haiti Deaf Academy. HDA realized Kenelson had genu valgum of his legs (knocked knees), this was very painful and he was unable to run or play with the kids his age. In 2020, Kenelson had orthopedic surgery in Haiti and had his legs corrected. He attended physical therapy and has recovered. He has about 70% improvement and can run and keep up with the other students pain free.

Kenelson 2007

Kenelson lives with his mother and two brothers in Titanyen. Another ministry realized that Kenelson was deaf and contacted Haiti Deaf Academy. HDA realized Kenelson had genu valgum of his legs (knocked knees), this was very painful and he was unable to run or play with the kids his age. In 2020, Kenelson had orthopedic surgery in Haiti and had his legs corrected. He attended physical therapy and has recovered. He has about 70% improvement and can run and keep up with the other students pain free.


Fednelson 2008

Fednelson is smart and playful with the younger boys! He loves to learn new things and can remember them well. He impressed a plumber when he assisted him easily by watching. He lives with his two sisters and mother in a dangerous area of Port Au Prince, and can not go home for visits sometimes. His sister is also an HDA student. We believe he has a bright future!


Fidielle 2008

Lives in Cabaret with her father. He has a farm and sends vegetables with her to HDA. Her dad has been learning sign language, so he can better communicate with her. Fidielle is quiet and shy, but kind to everyone. She is learning quickly.


Handy 2009

Handy is from Arcahaie where his mother and three siblings live. His mother ran into us one day when we took the kids to the beach and was eager to get Handy in school and around others who can sign. Handy has never seen his father so the male figures at HDA are very important to him. He is frequently visited by his grandmother, who truly loves him. Handy is an exceptionally loving boy with a sweet smile.


James 2008

James is friendly and kind. He is very tall and smiles much of the time. He learns quickly. He lives with his mother and 4 siblings.

Jeffte acted out aggressively to the other children when he first came to HDA. He carried hurt and anger inside of him. In the last two years he has transformed, the love and stability of the staff at HDA have healed some of his hurts. He is playful and learns quickly.

Jefftè 2012

Jeffte acted out aggressively to the other children when he first came to HDA. He carried hurt and anger inside of him. In the last two years he has transformed, the love and stability of the staff at HDA have healed some of his hurts. He is playful and learns quickly.


Fritznelson 2012

My name is Mathilde Saintima and I am the mother of five children- three sons and two daughters. Two of my children have significant hearing loss. Neither are able to attend hearing schools. My husband, Fritz, and I tried two different school for Belineda (now age 11) and Fritznelson (now age 6), but were not able to afford the tuition for either school and unfortunately, we had to remove Belineda and Fritznelson from classes.
We love our children dearly and want them all to reach their potential and to know Jesus as their Savior. Without language, neither of those goals seemed realistic for Belineda and Fritznelson. We believe both kids to be very intelligent and it broke our hearts that we could not provide the education they deserved or have the conversations we wanted to share about God's love.
In looking for another option for them, we learned of the Haiti Deaf Academy in Cabaret. We lived Bon Repos at the time, so the daily commute would have be impossible. However, we then realized that Belineda and Fritznelson could live on the HDA property and come home on holidays or even weekends as transportation was available. And we could visit them as often as we were able.
Fritznelson has a lot of personality! He is funny and engaging. He loves his parents. Sometimes he struggles to learn in school and need more time for assignments. He is a people person and we pray for him to learn a skill for a good future.


Kerrine 2008

Kerrine is from an extremely poor family in Sources Matelas. Her dad has chosen not to take responsibility for her, but she is well loved and cared for by her grandmother. We asked her mother to visit more often, but she claimed she can’t since she does not have anything to bring her daughter when she comes. Kerrine is a very silly and animated little girl who loves playing with the other girls, stuffed animals and giving hugs with a running start. Kerrine has some educational challenges and does better with extra time. She is enjoying life on the new campus.


Kervens 2010

Kervens is from a neighborhood called Duclos in Cabaret, Haiti where his stepfather and mother live. His mother says that Kervens’ father abandoned him because of his deafness. Kervens has an older brother and an older and younger sister. A friend of one of our staff informed Kervens’ mother about our academy a few months ago. Realizing his need for an education, she brought him to live with us and attend our school. Kervens is incredibly sweet and friendly. He is a curious little boy who has proven him self eager to learn since his first days with us.
Kervens is friendly and kind to younger children. He is a good student.


Loudia 2011

Loudia is spunky! She lives with her Grandmother in Cabaret. Her mother lives in PAP and she visits with her. Loudia suffers from seizures and some behavior problems. She is well liked, but all the kids know not to make her mad!


Micheline 2012

Micheline is the youngest of six deaf siblings from a home in Saint Michel, Haiti. Both of her parents are deaf as well.
Micheline is incredibly curious and is doing very well in school. Micheline has lived at HDA since she was very young and we have high hopes for her education.


Mileilla 2007

Mileilla was born in the Dominican Republic, but soon after her birth her mother sent her to live with her grandmother in Haiti. Mileilla’s grandmother loves her very much and comes to visit her at the academy often. Her grandmother is very poor and would not be able to send Mileilla to school without the help of the Haiti Deaf Academy. She is a mild and happy little girl, and very determined. She gets along with the other children both in the home and at school. Mileilla grandmother has aged and is not well. Her mother now lives in Guyana. Mileilla hopes to be reunited with her mother in Guyana this year. She is happy in the new cottages with girls her age.


Mirandy 2010

Mirandy loves his family. He is cousin to Fedeline and Fednelson. He is kind, smart and friendly.


Miselande 2008

Miselande is a tiny girl from a crowded village near Arcahahie. She has one brother and her mother is very involved in her life and proud of all her daughter has learned in school. Miselande is one of the brightest in her class. She takes pride in what she knows; answering questions any time she can. She is extremely friendly, energetic and sweet.


Wilphnie 2012

Wilphnie’s parents moved to Chile and left her in the care of an Aunt. At times Wilphnie was unhappy when home from school. This year another Aunt took her in and they have so much love between them! Wilphnie is animated and loving. She gets along with the little girls and follows the rules. She enjoys school and is quick to learn.


Yolande 2009

Yolande is the fifth of six deaf siblings from a home in Saint Michel, Haiti. Both of her parents are deaf as well. She is very smart and is excelling in her class at school. Yolande is an all-around good student and friend. She has been at HDA for many years and is well liked by everyone. She is a good student.


Rose 2008

Rose is reserved. She has a lovely family who treat her very well. When she first came to HDA she looked at the other children with surprise. Now she is laughing and playing along with the other girls. Rose has Turner’s Syndrome and is not as strong as the others. She is blossoming on our new campus and in cottage life. She is a deep thinker and often observes before joining in.


Youdmie 2009

Youdmie lives with her mother. She has become mature and outspoken in the last year. She tells her mother what she thinks. She is a good friend to the other girls and staff. She is a good student.


Zacari 2007

Zacari’s parents live in Carrfour, but he joined the Haiti Deaf Academy after living with his uncle near Cabaret. His parents were looking for a school for him to attend, when they heard of the Haiti Deaf Academy. They sent his uncle to see if it would be possible for him to attend our program. Zacari has three siblings and he is very kind. Before his arrival, he had no language and had never attended school. Now he is at the top of his class! He enjoys taking part in all of the activities at HDA.
Zacari is happy and fun! He likes to hang out with the other boys and play sports and work around the campus. He has lots of energy and is a good student.



Debora lives with her mother and grandmother. Debora’s mother attends school also as she is a teen. Debora’s young mother went to a lot of effort to make sure her deaf daughter went to school! Debora lives on campus and learns very fast. She is happy and bossy!



Guerby is shy and kind. He has opened up tremendously to his new friends and is learning language fast. This is his first year at school, and when he is home with his mom she tells us he begs to get back to school! He enjoys playing domino's with other students and is always sitting back laughing at what is going on around him.

Haiti Deaf Academy


Louidena is smart and a little bit mischievous! She loves to braid hair and learning how to cook. Her mother lives close by and spends time with her on the weekends and vacation times. Louidena benefits greatly from community building with her peers. She is progressing spiritually, intellectually, and physically at HDA.

Myson lives with his loving mother and has been with HDA for just a few years. He is progressing in his language skills as he was able to start school at such a young age. Myson recently underwent surgery for papillomatosis. He has fully recovered by the grace of God and is back in school with his friends.


Myson lives with his loving mother and has been with HDA for just a few years. He is progressing in his language skills as he was able to start school at such a young age. Myson recently underwent surgery for papillomatosis. He has fully recovered by the grace of God and is back in school with his friends.

In Memoriam

unnamed (13)

Julbernard 2007-2021

In Memoriam
Julbernard was home with his mother and favorite goat when he had a small accident that injured his leg. There is very little medical care in Haiti, and though he was taken for care, he passed away from his injury. Julbernard knew the Lord and we know he is at peace.